WholeMade Community- Meet Molly @silly_soul_healing

We firmly believe at WholeMade in remembering our roots and connecting within the community around us to make the world a better place. Colorado, and all it has to offer is so intertwined with who we are as a company, it'd almost be impossible to separate us from it. What can we say? We're in love! That's why we're seeking to feature individuals we find along the way that make the place we call home even brighter than the 300 days of sunshine we get a year!
Recently, we met Molly! A lovely individual that uses holistic living, movement, massage therapy, and yoga to help enhance her lifestyle. Molly is a certified Yoga Teacher who teaches Gentle Flow Restorative Meditation with the Foco Yoga Co-op in the beautiful Solarium International Hostel located in Fort Collins, Colorado. As well, she leads an Ecstatic Dance class in town which focuses on movement therapy. After taking her incredibly nurturing class, we asked her to share some of her healthful living secrets.
"So Molly, what does holistic living truly mean to you?"
"For me, holistic living means wellness in all aspects of life. Creating a balanced lifestyle with mind, body, and spirit. It is being aware of the interconnectedness of everything."
"What inspired you to start yoga? You're obviously very passionate about your practice!"
"My yoga inspiration came from high school and my parents. In my aerobics class we were shown yoga and I was immediately curious. For Christmas, my parents gifted me unlimited yoga at a studio in our neighborhood. I felt a new type of energy from doing yoga I had never experienced. Yin yoga especially drew me in, and I fell in love with the practice and still to this day look up to my instructor. She encouraged me to do yoga teacher training and after a few years of practicing yoga regularly, I decided to go! Yoga has been a life altering practice and the poses are just a small part of it!"
"What makes you happy?"
"Community is probably the biggest contribution to my happiness. I have an amazing life filled with adventures and holistic living. But it just wouldn’t be as fulfilling without my incredible friends and all the new ones I’m crossing paths with. My happiest is when I’m at the ocean, especially a tropical place. Add my friends in that mix and I’m in heaven."
Speaking of tropical, we couldn't stop drooling over the luscious oasis the Solarium has created in their space. It feels like you're in a gorgeous, exotic jungle only moments away from the beach rather than the mountains.
"What’s your favorite thing about Fort Collins and Colorado as a whole?"
"My favorite thing about Fort Collins is I keep discovering more amazing people and places. I love Colorado because of the community and the fantastic music scene. Arise Music Festival is pretty much is in our back yard and that has completely changed my life."
--We agree, last year WholeMade was a sponsor of Arise Music Festival and it was a full weekend of life changing experiences, workshops, and incredible music by artists from near and far!
"Why is movement so important to you in your life?"
"Movement is so important to me because I believe it’s the best medicine. There’s an abundance of movement therapy and no rules to how you move your body! I lead as well as attend ecstatic dances and that’s where I feel most free and wanting to express what going on internally. Movement breaks up stagnation and gets me out of the monkey mind and into the body and spirit."
"Any tips for someone to gently introduce yoga and movement into their daily routine?"
"I would encourage someone that’s starting to practice yoga and movement daily to be gentle with themselves. The practice comes and goes and is always here for you. It’s okay to fall out or get distracted. That’s what yoga is about, meeting it where you are and getting away from the ego. To establish new healthy habits, it takes time and dedication. Love the journey that ebbs and flows!"
"I know you enjoy using essential oils in your practice, what benefits have you found from this? What inspired this?"
"My favorite yoga instructor introduced me to using essential oils in savasana and I began to look forward to that in class. Now all my classes end with me offering neck massages with different oils in savasana. I pick different oils depending on the season, time of day, and the type of class. My students totally love receiving this just as much as I love giving them that gift!"
Pictured below is Molly using our Infused Essentials Roll-On Remedy in Elevate, a bright citrus blend of orange, lemon, lime and bergamot essential oils that will lift your spirits. Click the image to get yours!
If you want to keep up with Molly follow her on instagram @silly_soul_healing and @ecstaticrelease and be sure to follow The Solarium International Hostel on instagram @solariumhostel as well. If you or someone else would like to be considered for a feature with the WholeMade Community email elijah@shopsalus.com
- Hello WholeMade